10 ways our POS will help your chain or multi-site business succeed

Lightspeed Restaurant interface with lock

1. Your data, kept secure

All of your information is stored in the cloud, so you don’t need to worry about hosting or hardware failures.

Lightspeed Restaurant cash out screen

2. Accept payments anywhere

Use an integrated card swipe or an external terminal to accept payment at the table or at a front counter.

Multilingual Lightspeed graphic

3. Supports multiple languages

Each member of your team can use Lightspeed Restaurant in the language they’re most comfortable with.

Lightspeed Restaurant products

5. Simple order customization

When creating your menu, it’s easy to add cooking options (like rare or well-done), drink options (no ice), and toppings, with full pricing flexibility.

Lightspeed Retail rapportages

7. On-demand reports

Adapt your menu and marketing strategy with insights from Lightspeed’s built-in reporting, presented in a dashboard with real-time data.

Lightspeed Restaurant billing screen

10. Customizable receipts

Leave a lasting impression with customizable receipts. Include any information you need on your receipts, even QR codes linking to your website or facebook page, so customers can stay in touch or check for updates!

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